Welding Automation

At AVP, we specialize in manufacturing advanced automatic welding machines and cutting-edge welding automation systems. Our expertise lies in designing and building custom-made welding solutions tailored precisely to meet our customers’ unique requirements. We also provide support, repair, and maintenance for a wide range of welding equipment, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

Our Products

Product Range
from Various Fields

Our welding machines and equipment is used for high-tech purposes in the pharmaceutical, food, automotive, and aerospace industries.
Welding Machines
Positioning Devices
Sheet Metal Processing Machines
Automation Systems
Custom Devices

VSV (standard)

Longitudinal Seam Welders

VSV-HYD (hydraulic)

Longitudinal Seam Welders


Longitudinal Seam Welders


Circumferential Seam Welders


Circumferential Seam Welders


Orbital Seam Welders


Circumferential Seam Welders

Pillow Plate Welding Machine

CNC Welding Machines


Column and Boom Welding Machines


Column and Boom Welding Machines

SAW Welding Tractor – A13

Welding Tractor

VM 100

Rotary Tables and Welding Positioners

WP (200, 400, 800)

Rotary Tables and Welding Positioners

WP-D (1.500 – 50.000)

Rotary Tables and Welding Positioners


Rotary Tables and Welding Positioners

ON (5 – 100t)

Roller Bed Rotators

ON-SP (5 – 100t)

Roller Bed Rotators

ON-VV (1-8t)

Roller Bed Rotators

Polishing and Marbling Machine

Cone Rolling Machine

Plate Bending Rolling Machine

AVC System

Welding Cameras

Equipment for Automation

Seam Tracking Systems

Machine-mounted Welding Torches

Robot Welding Portal

Welding Cell VCS

Custom Laser Welding Machine

Naši katalogi

Rešitve za avtomatizacijo varjenja

Odkrijte najnovejše in najučinkovitejše rešitve za avtomatizacijo varjenja v naših katalogih. Prenesite si naše kataloge s tehničnimi podatki in podrobnimi opisi naših produktov, da boste imeli popoln vpogled v naše inovativne rešitve.
vzdolžni avtomati - katalog_AVP_SLO
avtomati za krožno varjenje - katalog_AVP_SLO
vrtilne mize - katalog_AVP_SLO
koordinatni varilni avtomat - katalog_AVP_SLO

Our catalogs

Welding automation solutions

Discover the latest and most efficient welding automation solutions in our catalogs. Download our catalogs with technical data and detailed descriptions of our products to get a complete overview of our innovative solutions.

Trusted by leading companies in the industry

Trusted by leading companies in the industry

Product range